Monitoring the Integration

Once activated, the Deck Commerce app integrates your Shopify store data to your Deck Commerce instance. Each of the enabled data flows also contains a "History" page to provide some visibility into the data flowing between Deck Commerce and Shopify.

If a transaction does not seem to make it to a target system (e.g. an order is placed but doesn't show in Deck Commerce), the History page is the first place to look to assess problems.
On any given History page, each line will represent a record (e.g. an order) flowing from one system to the other. If possible, there will be a link to that record within Shopify. One of two statuses will be shown:

  • "Information" status indicates that the record has made it successfully to its destination. It does not indicate whether the record was valid as either system may perform internal validation.
  • "Warning" status means something may have happened to prevent the record from reaching its destination. It's possible that a warning is logged for a record that does successfully make it. But, if you are missing a record and it's logged as "Warning" contact Deck Commerce support to diagnose.